Skull and Bones releases a short new teaser video following a leak – New Style Motorsport

Following the online leak of a video from Ubisoft’s Skull and Bones, a short teaser video is posted on the game’s official social media channels.

Ubisoft’s pirate game skull and bones It has been going through a convulsive moment in terms of its development. The game was originally announced in 2017, and any progress made at the time had slowed down. skull and bones It had reportedly restarted its development in 2020 due to a series of setbacks and issues that were hampering its progress. Earlier this year, Ubisoft announced that the game would be on track for release sometime in 2023.

The most recent update fans received about the game was skull and bonesThe Insider Program is a way for fans to sign up and play early. Fans who signed up would be able to play early builds of the game and give constructive feedback directly to Ubisoft to influence the direction it would take. A fan who played these alpha builds posted a video online about how much the game has changed, though it has since been removed.


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This leaked video of skull and bones it gave people an idea of ​​what to expect, and much of it centered around a new social hub world known as Sainte-Anne, a progression tracking system, as well as the core gameplay. These are all aspects that have yet to be officially announced by the developers, where the game has gone from being a multiplayer matchmaking game to something more like a multiplayer open world looter shooter with pirates. Shortly after this leaked video was removed, Ubisoft posted a short teaser video on the game’s official Twitter account.

This short video of skull and bones it gave fans a first look at what a part of the environment and a new pointed ship might look like. It also gives fans a brief idea of ​​what navigation might look like in this new version. The video then instructs fans to “stay tuned” for future account updates, indicating that more information on this original Ubisoft IP is coming soon.

Reception to this trailer has been mixed, as seen in the fan responses below the tweet. Many were torn between excitement and disappointment, with those who saw the leaked game drawing unfavorable comparisons to sea ​​of ​​thieves, while others were excited to see the new direction this game has taken after half a decade of development. Regardless, it seems that Ubisoft is in a more comfortable position to share information about skull and bones ahead of its planned launch in 2023.

skull and bones is currently under development.

MORE: What Skull and Bones can learn from Sea of ​​Thieves


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