Cretaceous dinosaurs come to life in stunning images from ‘Prehistoric Planet’ – New Style Motorsport

tyrannosaurus rex youngsters paddle through shallow ocean waters near a sandy shore, their powerful legs working hard to compensate for their disproportionately small arms. Long-necked sauropods nuzzle their heads in affectionate mating displays. And herds of duck-billed dinosaurs kick up clouds of dust as they migrate across vast deserts. These and other scenes from the official preview for “Prehistoric Planet,” a new documentary series on Apple TV+, offers a glimpse into dinosaurs and their Cretaceous neighbors, much as a nature documentary would present dramatic moments in the lives of modern animals.

Released on April 20, the trailer showcases stunning footage from around the world, combined with staggeringly realistic computer-generated imagery, to bring a variety of Cretaceous creatures back to life and challenge what viewers thought they knew about these animals that they once did. They once dominated ecosystems. on all continents.

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