Self-Proclaimed Vampires Give Blood Drinking Safety Tips To Megan Fox And Machine Gun Kelly – New Style Motorsport

Vampire groups issued a warning to Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly after Fox announced that they had been drinking each other’s blood.

At the end of April, the world learned information that it was probably not prepared for. Actress and model Megan Fox told Glamor magazine that she and her fiancĂ©, musician and actor Machine Gun Kelly, drink each other’s blood as part of unspecified “rituals.”

“So I guess drinking each other’s blood might fool people or people imagine us having drinks and we’re like Game of Thrones, drinking each other’s blood,” Fox said. Glamor. “It’s only a few drops, but yes, sometimes we consume each other’s blood just for ritual purposes.”

She reiterated that it was just a few drops, while “he’s much more messy, hectic and chaotic, where he’s willing to rip open his chest with broken glass and say ‘take my soul.'”

It wasn’t going to be long before people started issuing health warnings, but in a funny (?) twist to the story, these health warnings came from self-proclaimed vampires.

Belfazaar Ashantison, co-founder of the New Orleans Vampire Association (NOVA), an organization created “to provide support and structure to vampire and other kin subcultures and to provide educational and charitable assistance to those in need “He told TMZ that the pair should take the proper precautions before drinking each other’s blood, including regular testing for disease.

He made it clear that this was because (human) vampires are not immune to diseases carried by human blood.

Meanwhile, the Endless Night Vampire Ball founder told the publication that the pair should be especially careful with how they draw their blood, relying on medical professionals instead of the glass shard method proposed by Machine Gun Kelly.

Of course, there are quite a few reasons why you shouldn’t consume blood from a medical perspective. If you drink enough iron-rich blood, you could even end up with an iron overdose. Drink too much and it could, in theory, kill you.

For the casual blood drinker, there are also risks. Although the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does not have specific advice on blood consumption, its advice for IV drug users who share needles applies here. Drinking blood will put you at risk for blood-borne diseases, primarily HIV and hepatitis A, B, and C.

If Fox and Kelly aren’t already taking these precautions, maybe it gives them pause for thought knowing that even people who think they’re vampires are telling them to calm down.

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