An Xbox fanatic and weird controller enthusiast turns a toy video game controller from Fisher-Price into a real, working Xbox gamepad.
The xbox console is one of the most popular consoles on the market, and its controllers have become equally popular in the gaming scene. However, a variety of other controllers can also be purchased, some of which are more functional than others. Recently, a gaming fanatic took a toy controller from Fisher-Price and turned it into a real gamepad; in other words, the toy has become a working Xbox controller.
The toy in question appears to be the Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Game & Learn Controller, which is designed to introduce babies to the wonders of gaming. In its default state, the controller doesn’t work, but it has a large, rounded surface that’s easy for little hands to hold. It also features a variety of colorful buttons, bumpers and a joystick that make noises and light up.
Twitter user rudeism, whose bio describes him as a weird controller builder, recently set out to turn this Fisher-Price toy into a working Xbox controller. This isn’t the first time gamers and official engineers have created weird Xbox controllers, but it may be one of the cleanest custom rebuilds on the internet. In various Twitter threads, rudeism explores some of the changes he’s made to the controller and shows it from multiple different angles.
In the post declaring the project finished, Rudeism points out that the Fisher-Price controller still makes the same set of noises it originally did. Furthermore, he claims that the only external difference between the original controller and the altered version is the presence of a USB port on top. Presumably he added this so the controller could load or connect to a game console or PC gaming setup properly. When asked how the toy controller could do everything a real controller could do, he explained the new control scheme.
Apparently the yellow slider determines whether the single joystick on the controller will act as the left or right joystick. It also changes whether the buttons function as the default button configuration or handle Home/Select/Guide input. Finally, the bumpers can be angled left and right like regular bumpers, so they can handle left and right trigger input as well as left and right bumper input. The result is a surprisingly effective gamepad, although gamers who prioritize performance will likely be better off sticking to an Xbox controller business model.
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